Selected writings, 2023
Selected writings, 2020-2022
Research Book, 9866 words, 2021
예언자는 고립, 돌봄 및 미술 노동, 산업 재해, 여성 건강 등의 키워드에 따른 주제들을 리서치한 결과물을 소개하고 논픽션 필름메이킹 제작 방식을 설명한다.
(영국왕립예술학교 석사 청구 논문, 우등)
(영국왕립예술학교 석사 청구 논문, 우등)
Fortune Teller contains researches on various topics such as isolation, care and art labour, industrial accident, women’s body politics; this book also explains production methods of non-fiction filmmaking.
(Royal College of Art MFA Dissertation, Distinction)
(Royal College of Art MFA Dissertation, Distinction)
Selected writings, 2018-2020