Mad Bizarre

Do you ever feel like your life’s going mad bizarre ridiculous absurd fucked up unreal incomprehensible
so you question

Who is doing this social experiment to me?
Why am I here last year and there this year?
Why am I homeless then why am I living in a nice neighbourhood now?
Why am I studying this why am I stopping my study why am I studying again and what do you mean now study is over?
Why am I unemployed in the past why am I working currently and why am I both unemployed and working simultaneously in the near future?
Why do I love this person in 2016 the same person in 2018 the same person in 2020 the same person in 2022 still but in a different way (all in different ways?)
Why does it take a whole lifetime to save only one person?
Why can’t I buy a car, like, mad forever?
Why do I never shut up ever?

Why am I going into a cafe right now to get a cup of coffee but eventually get a tiny bottle of orange juice and think ‘£2.85? What a rip off!’

Now there’s no lies no slurs no threats no beating no screams and no fire wherever I go, does this mean all those things I’ve seen were just staged?
Why do I feel lonely, wanna be kissed and held tight as a young kid why do I feel the same way but lonelier?

Who is making me go through this?
Is this any fun to watch?
Am I getting paid?
Any sponsorships involved?
I don’t remember signing a release form

Now I know how salted caramel ice cream tastes like, would I just forget all those lies slurs threats beating screams fires and highway hum songs?

I am walking
On a chilly october afternoon, Embankment station
With a bottle of orange juice still held at my hand
And I watch a fox curled up under the bushes
The tourists are amused by the animal

We will soon be disappearing when the fox closes its eyes


이주연은 사회적 고립, 국경을 넘는 친밀감, 노동 불안정, 기술 발전, 산업 독성학과 몸 정치학 등을 포괄한 광범위한 리서치와 인터뷰를 바탕으로, 분석적이면서도 시적인 논픽션 무빙 이미지를 연출한다.

Jooyeon Lee works with analytical yet poetic non-fiction moving image with expansive research and interviews to capture urban alienation, intimacy across borders, labour precarity, technological progress, industrial toxicology and body politics.

